
Streaming is
better this way

Video Campaign

Game streaming, by nature, is a pretty one-sided affair. A person games, streams the feed to the internet, and "interacts" with people viewing the broadcast. Thing is, there's no real interaction. It's more like streamers reacting to text messages than anything. Mixer, however, was the only platform to offer true streaming interaction. For the first time, fans could actually interact with their favorite streamers and provide items in the games they were playing in real time. Things like dropping some pig mobs in a streamer's Minecraft game or dropping health or ammo packs in Killing Floor 2. We brought these features to life in a video campaign showcasing pirates, orcs, cats, and more illustrate how interaction makes streaming more entertaining.

You've lost that orc'n feeling
Monster mayhem
Lock and load
Chicken is on the menu

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