
The better way
to stream

Video | Social | influencer | Design | Digital

Even though Mixer had a more positive community and a host of unique interactivity features, they were very much a challenger brand. Our job was to help them define their brand voice, look, and ethos while boldly staking their claim in the category. Rather than take the big guys head-on, we made a campaign that rewarded and celebrated the loyalty and positivity of Mixer’s existing community.

Talking with, not to, Gen Z

When you come in as a challenger, you have to have the right insights. We did extensive market and audience research to identify what exactly it is that the ever-coveted Gen Z audience cares about. We unlocked many different insights, but the most consistent theme was the value of positivity and authenticity. Knowing that our message would fall flat if it were anything other than real, we developed a campaign that would resonate with Gen Z on their own terms, on their own platforms.

Finding the right messenger

Based on our strategic insights, we knew that a message that came from Mixer’s users would mean more than anything else. We kicked off the campaign with an anthem film full of the inside-gaming references and the Mixer streamers our audience loves. We used our partner streamers as microinfluencers, having them share and highlight their involvement in the campaign to their highly loyal audience. We also developed a series of additional films that helped introduce Mixer’s features to a new audience, proving why streaming really is better this way.

Making streaming social

Mixer’s fan base is highly loyal and highly informed. Rather than use social to reinform people of the stuff they already knew, we created content that was stylized, fun, shareable, and authentic.

Fans gobbled it up. Mixer’s channels became an extension of the brand itself—a safe and entertaining place where fans could interact with the games, streamers, and friends they love.

Cause marketing for
a new generation

We wanted to do more than say Mixer was a positive and inclusive place. We wanted to prove it. But rather than go the traditional route, we turned Mixer into a way to do good. We partnered with the antibullying charity Cybersmile, and the platform itself became a way to fight bullying. Fans could use in-platform currency to donate directly to Cybersmile, with Microsoft providing matching donations. Additionally, we created social content and GIFs that Mixer users could put directly into chats to make sure the positivity kept on rolling. The campaign raised over $100K for Cybersmile and became the benchmark for Mixer’s future charitable efforts.
